Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Grand Old Police Blotto: Two Pukes Too Drunk Edition

Kansas: Where the corn is as a high as your Republican Senator behind the wheel of a two-ton automobile:

Senate Majority Leader Lana Oleen was arrested early Tuesday in southeast Topeka in connection with drunken driving, the same day the Senate passed a bill that would clarify penalties for Kansans convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol.

Oleen, 53, is the second state senator to be arrested on suspicion of drunken driving this year. Sen. Edward Pugh, R-Wamego, was arrested Jan. 3 in connection with the crime after he was involved in a non-injury vehicle accident at S.W. 7th and Topeka Boulevard.

They certainly take disproving evolution very seriously in the Sunflower State.

(Story via Democratic Underground)

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