Thursday, June 17, 2010

Flotillas We Wouldn't Mind Seeing Boarded by the IDF

This must be some kind of inside wingnut joke. NRO has a side banner ad titled "27 REASONS TO COME ON THE NR 2010 POST-ELECTION CRUISE." The ad then lists 28 names, the last of which is "Kaj Relwof." Kaj Relwof doesn't appear to be a person's name, or anything else, according to Google. So it makes no sense, as a joke or otherwise.

Kaj Relwof is an anagram of Jerk A Wolf, so maybe participants get to give W. Issac Blitzer a handjob.

The 24 of the other 27 guests of honor are men; the only women are Phyllis Schlafly, K-Lo and K-O'B. Not exactly a swingers' cruise, unless you, Bernard Lewis, Bernard Goldberg and Roger Kimball is your fantasy four-way.

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