Sunday, September 18, 2005

Center For Individual Freedom Demands Birth Control Vending Machines In Public Schools

Kudos to the rightwing Center for Individual Freedom for standing up to Big Hypocrisy:

"The availability of condoms does not make children unsafe; not knowing how to protect themselves does. Health and sexuality education should be part of the curriculum in public schools, so children learn to make their own choices."

"By removing choices from the schools, our children will be unprepared for the real world. If they do not learn healthy choices in school, we face a health crisis when these children become adults. Of course, the religious nannies would welcome such a health crisis as an opening to control what people can and cannot do."

"The prophylactic industry is not the enemy of public schools. Blaming it for the failure of parents and schools to teach children how to express their sexuality in a safe way avoids the problem rather than solves it," said [CFIF President Jeff] Mazzella.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

(As always, read the whole thing.)

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