Saturday, June 04, 2005


I try, but I haven't been able to get worked up enough to revisit Watergate. It's before my time, cognitively if not chronologically.

I realize that dishonest wingnuts are trying to unwrite Nixon's crimes, that the idiot media is enabling them in that effort and that the wingnuts are to a large extent succeeding. But that battle was lost long ago -- loathsome felons like Colson and Liddy have been treated with undue respect rather than contempt since they've exited prison, not just in the past week. (Not to mention the continuing, inexplicable love for other Nixon Administration scumbags -- Safliar, Buchanan etc. -- not directly involved in Watergate.)

I read maybe one-third of All The President's Men (or was it The Final Days?) in high school, but don't remember much of it. Maybe I should get off my intellectual duff and read Anthony Summers' The Arrogance of Power, which is sitting on my bookshelf.

But it's been such a lovely day.

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