Friday, June 24, 2005

A Booty Call Mind

Roger Ebert seems like a nice enough guy, but come on:

Chaz Ebert passionately extolled her husband as "my own shining star," calling him a "great man who has enormous intelligence, wit, humor, but most important a love for humanity, justice and people of every color of the rainbow," who has made audiences sensitive to the important issues of our day.

"While Roger has done so much for independent films, for small films," she said, "he also can appreciate studio films and big-budget movies.

"One day he'll be quoting Shakespeare, the next day it's all about 'Booty Call.' He truly is a critic who is of the people, by the people and for the people."

A day seems like an awful long turn-around time. Why can't Ebert quote Shakespeare and "Booty Call" on the same day -- in the same sentence, even?

Apparently Ebert doesn't love humanity enough not to warn it not to pay nine bucks to see "Mr. & Mrs. Smith."

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