Monday, May 03, 2004

More On Howie

Surprisingly, in today's online "chat," Howie Kurtz chose not to use my question as to whether the buzz Brit Hume was recieving came from Karl Rove's vibrator. Not surprisingly, Kurtz again revealed what a whore he is. A questioner wrote:

Allegany [sic], N.Y.: Enjoyed today's column. The blind piece from Brit Hume grabbed my interest most. Did he claim to have specific sources on his assertion about Gov. Richardson or was he putting forward idle gossip, engaing in speculation or just making something up? Toss-Up Time ( May 3)

Howard Kurtz: I don't know. It certainly sounded like he knows something that he feels he can't, possibly because it's unconfirmed, repeat on the air. So he's doing it without quite doing it.

Yes, that's right. Howie doesn't know whether Hume's just making something up. It sounds like Hume knows something -- something that's unconfirmed. For the Putz, that's good enough to print.

Later, someone else calls the Putz on his gutter tactics!

"So he's doing it without quite doing it. ": What Brit Hume has managed to do, in my opinion, is to smear Gov. Richardson without being brave enough to actually say so. Faux News, indeed.

Howard Kurtz: Well, I don't know what he was referring to. It reminds me of some of the early '92 whispering that went on about Clinton having a zipper problem -- about which we later learned a lot more. We'll have to see whether anything comes out about Richardson, who insists he wants to remain as governor.

Yes, I still don't know what Hume was talking about, but there once was a rumor about a politician which turned out to be true, so I may, with a clear conscience, smear Richardson by innuendo. Oh, and Clinton's cock!

The next reader asks Howie if he "[c]an ... dissuade me from the opinion that the type of gray-area 'journalism' espoused by ... gossip-mongering Ana Marie Cox (a.k.a. 'Wonkette'), is the epitome of the absolute worst of the 'Fourth Estate'?" Actually, Howie's type of "journalism" is much worse. (Update: Here's an example of Wonkette using standards at least as rigorous as Putzie's.)

And one of Howie's fans reveals Howie's broadcast equivalents:

Atlanta, Ga.: Dear Howard

How would you compare the professional committment of your colleagues to professional excellence in accuracy and objectivity with yourself and the most immediate past generation of same prior to the explosion of cable?

I ask this because I find you to be one of the most professional journalists working today. Yet, I find most in the mainstream press appear to be more concerned with their own particular political agenda and simply report facts consistent with same. If it were not for Fox News Channel and talk radio, I would consider myself ignorant.

Dittohead Mike

You can't call Mike ignorant on the question of where Howie stands.

Kudos to Allegany and So He's Doing It for their questions.

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