Wednesday, May 26, 2004

A Critical Eye On A Whore

This Sunday's interview of Pumpkinhead Russert by H.K. Puff'nRuss was so important that the Washington Post devoted a second online chat just to that piece, in addition to H.K.'s usual weekly softsoap.

Howie was in less than top form for the second chat. Watch what happens when he can't simply dodge a vague claim with his standard "I haven't seen any evidence of conservative bias" macro (CTRL-ALT-HK):

Nashville, Tenn.: In the transcript of NBC Meet the Press on May 6, 2001, an interview on Defense Strategy with Secretary Rumsfeld, there wasn't a single question put to the secretary concerning terrorism, by Tim Russert. Later, on that program, when Senator Kerry stated, "North Korea to lob a missile at us has far more consequence than it would by attacking our subways with anthrax, by blowing up buildings in this country, by using a cruise missile they could buy on the market illegally and put a warhead on and fire from a rusty tanker in New York Harbor. ", Mr. Russert seemed surprised that their was a terrorist threat to the homeland. Russert: "And there's no defense against that?"

Apparently NBC News headquarters did not share with its field office in Washington, headed by Mr. Russert, the exclusive report on terrorism by Andrea Mitchell that had aired two days earlier on NBC Nightly News.

"It's a job former President Bill Clinton gave the Justice Department. But President Bush will put the new office under the jurisdiction of FEMA, and put Vice President Cheney in charge of planning the nation's new response to terror at home." ?. "The timing couldn't be better - terror at home is a growing threat, say counter-terrorism experts like the CIA's Paul Pillar."

Howard Kurtz: Who sent this? Al Gore?

Very pithy. And I don't mean Howie's non-response.

Does the Postie who let that question through still have a job? Kudos to Nashville.

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