Tuesday, May 25, 2004

The Miller's Tale

Whilom ther was dwellynge at baghendad
A riche lout, that tolde tales of fearsome armaments,
And of his craft he was a swindler.
With hym ther was dwellynge a poure reporter,
Withoute truthe, named Judy...

Oops. I mean:

Jack Shafer reports:

Sources inside and close to the New York Times say that the newspaper is preparing an "Editors' Note" that will reassess its pre-Iraq War coverage, particularly its coverage of weapons of mass destruction. The note is said to address the reporting failures of Times staffers, including Judith Miller, and could be published as early as tomorrow (Wednesday, May 26).

On a separate track, Times Public Editor Daniel Okrent has been calling Times staffers to discuss the WMD issue, fueling speculations that he, too, will write about the subject in his Sunday column.

Let me be the first to say it: Miller must go, and Keller too.

This will be the blogosphere's finest hour.

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