Thursday, February 12, 2004

Replacing The Chimp With Kaus Won't Help, Dennis

The Chicago Tribune reports:

"Miller's disconcertingly flaccid attempts to meld jokes on the news, serious political commentary, conservative hero worship and the chimp were greeted by a huge-by-CNBC-standards initial audience of 746,000 viewers, but they seem to be plummeting.

Week one averaged 540,000 viewers for the first airings of new shows; week two pulled in less than half, just 261,000."
Flaccid. That sounds about right.

Or, as Dennis might say, if it was written on a cue card in front of him: "Flaccid? The Exxon Vald-eez full of Cialis and a piece of steel rebar shoved down my urethral opening couldn't revive my tired schtick at this point!"

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