Monday, July 07, 2003

Snitchens, Portrait of A Serial Space Filler

Of all the unhistorical nonsense Chris Hitchens has somehow gotten published recently, this is by far the worst:
"In the past few years, I have written often about whether the figure of Saddam Hussein is�or was�a model taken from Hitler, from Stalin, or from some combination of the two. It has occurred to me recently that it can all be put more simply. He is�or was�a reincarnation of Jeffrey Dahmer. Look in his kitchen drawer, and you will find instruments of torture. Look in his bathroom cabinet, and you will find poisons. Look under his floorboards, and you will find bones and skulls. Look in his flowerbed, and you will stumble over body parts. Look in the rest of the garden, and you will find a substantial piece of a nuclear centrifuge, employed to make weapons of mass destruction."

Can you believe this garbage? Everyone knows Jeffrey Dahmer didn't bury anyone under the floorboards. And he certainly didn't plant anyone in his garden. Dahmer lived in a apartment and used a freezer to store remains he couldn't otherwise destroy. It was John Wayne Gacy, a suburban homeowner, who buried his victims under the floor of his house. Is a little historical accuracy too much to expect from our modern Orwell?

I suppose it wouldn't be sporting to remind Snitch that Dahmer was raised in a Bushite red state and took his killing spree to Wisconsin, where he murdered numerous law-abiding, patriotic and progressive blue state residents.

(Edited per Rick's correction in comments.)

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