Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Reynolds Calls John Lott Disinglennuous

Make that "disingenuous." How dare that sleazy Lott not read Instapundit instead of just looking for a correction attached to the original article.

And get this:

"Personally, I think it's entirely proper to look into the makeup of important policy panels of this sort, and I still think that -- entirely aside from Levitt, who was hardly the subject of the article to begin with -- there is reason for concern where this panel is involved."
Personally, I think that publishing unfounded attacks by a "scholar"/accuser too cowardly to reveal his or her identity is not the same thing as "look[ing] into the makeup of important policy panels." In fact, I think it's the exact opposite. Nice bit of lawyerly -- or is that professorly -- misdirection, tho.

(Via TBogg)

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