Tuesday, April 22, 2003

The Least Fun You Can Have Without Mutilating Your Genitals

William F. Buckley, Jr. has written a romance novel. And it makes Barbara Cartland sound sexy:

Two college students, Woodroe Raynor and Leonora Goldstein, meet in the fall of 1960. They embark on separate paths: Woodroe goes to work for the indiscriminately anti-Communist John Birch Society, while Leonora becomes a novitiate in the libertarian-objectivist cult of novelist and philosopher Ayn Rand. But a singular romance blooms as they make their way through a tumultuous era, navigating the political fault line that would change American history.

Oh baby! If that's not a cure for erectile function, I don't know what is.

Buckley is churning out this crap (histo-fic novels about Joe McCarthy, Elvis and now this one) faster than his son pumps out illegitimate grandkids. Is there actually a market for this drivel?

Buckley's latest is published by Regnery, wing-nut publisher of such literary titans as Gary Aldrich and Mona Charen.
Mac Diva has more on the unholy Regnery family.

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