Friday, November 16, 2012

Mother of Pantload, Is This The End of Ring Dings?

Sad news.  Jonah Goldberg will no longer be able to stuff his piehole with "fresh" Ring Dings, in light of the news that Hostess Brands, Inc. is shutting down.

Undoubtedly lard-filled wingnuts such as Goldberg and Erick Erickson will bemoan the corporate death of the manufacturer of lard-filled treats, and blame the President for refusing to bail out the American snackcake industry.  Perhaps they'll stock up as Hostess liquidates its inventory, but after a few years they'll have to resort to Little Debbie

No, I said, Little Debbie.

Update:  The New York Times offers a possible solution, at a terrible cost to Lucianne and Erickson's mom.


Montag said...

Umm, I don't think one can recreate Twinkies at home without a chemistry set.

The Frito Pundito said...

According to everything I've heard, Hostess goodies will still be around, both because their shelf life extends beyond recorded time, and because someone will buy the company and run it properly. There is still a large market for their "goods" it's just that Hostess was an abysmally run company.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

All of wingnuttia is blaming it on the UNIONS.

(not to mention ACORN, Alinsky, and SOROS, oh my!)

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