Dick Cheney IS The Beerhunter

"Go fuck yourselves, you hosers."
And, thanks to Bruce Webb, here are the Blogger-deleted comments to this post:
Eh eh. Indeed. ahab 02.17.06 - 5:19 pm
Funny, Lynne actually looks like a slab of Back Bacon.
Pechorin 02.17.06 - 6:39 pm
On the twelfth day of Christmas
Dick Cheney gave to me
a buttload of birdshot for free
And a beer.
Jo Fish Homepage -- 02.17.06 - 6:46 pm
LOL! Those fools at the Wyoming State Legislature gave the Beerhunter a standing ovation. For what, exactly?
Cybelle 02.18.06 - 12:23 am
doghouse riley Homepage 02.18.06 - 1:18 am
Kooooo Loo Koo Koo Kuu Koo Koo Koo!
CHENEY: G'day; I'm Dick Cheney, this is my friend Harry --
WHITTINGTON: Good Day, eh. Hey, that Lynn's a looker, eh. A 'good-time' girl, you know?
CHENEY: Okay; so, like, we're here -- we've got a six and whole buncha backbacon; and like I'm running the country, eh.
WHITTINGTON: I mean, like, I'm old, so it really takes some serious coal to get my Canadian Great Northern train runnin', eh. And what was that ambassador doin' with her hand down your pants, eh?
CHENEY: TAKE OFF!!! Okay. So I want to show you this new game to play; I call it 'The Beer-Hunter'. Okay; so its gotta be close to gettin' dark, eh -- and I like chug back this whole six, eh -- and you go stand over there --
WHITTINGTON: Like, over here?
CHENEY: No -- go long, eh!
WHITTINGTON: Here? Whatchoo doin' with that shotgun, Dick, eh?
CHENEY: Okay, just stand still, eh! Itz da game, eh... [Burps]
WHITTINGTON: Hey! Whataya gonna do with that gun, eh, you hoser?
CHENEY: [Burps] I'm Master Of The Universe, Eh !! I faked out everybody to invade Iraq! I'm runnin' the War On Terror; I'm like pissin' on the whole country; I'm untouchable, eh!! I'm a mighty BEER HUNTER!!! And you like think Lynn is hot, eh? TAKE OFF YOU HOSER!!!
[Shotgun discharges]
Nominal Chtulu 02.18.06 - 2:19 am
"I was the last one left after the nuclear holocaust, which I had caused, eh. The whole world had been destroyed, thanks to me. Fortunately, I had been offworld at the time. There wasn't much to do. All the quail and old lawyer had been destroyed. So's I spent most of my time looking for beer."
s.z. 02.18.06 - 4:19 am
From the same movie:
Dick Cheney: Fleshy-headed mutant. Are you friendly?
Tom DeLay: No way, eh? Radiation ... and corruption have made... me an enemy of civilization.
s.z. 02.18.06 - 4:24 am