Sunday, April 17, 2005

I'm Off To Wafers 'R' Us To Make My Fortune

In response to the sale of a host consecrated by John Paul II, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition Family and Property (TFP) is sending its vehement protests to the Internet auction company eBay which allowed the $2,000.00 sale.


The TFP campaign is asking friends and supporters to email eBay calling on them to never allow such sales again by including this case on its list of Prohibited and Questionable Items policies. In addition, eBay is being asked to suspend the seller who received numerous requests to stop the sale because it was so offensive. However, the seller said he or she would delete all future emails and claimed: "I am not Catholic and do not believe I'm going to hell for selling this collectable (sic!)."

The non-Catholic seller claims on eBay that the host was obtained by going a second time to receive Communion in the hand at a Papal Mass in Florence in 1998. The American TFP is asking the eBay Community Watch Team to take immediate action on this outrage that offends millions of Catholics who venerate Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

Upon hearing of the offer, Bill Osbourne of Cupertino, Calif., raced to buy the Eucharist for $2,000. "Any minute I waited, it could have fallen into the hands of a witch or satanist," said Osbourne, aghast at the auction. "That's Jesus in that Host!" Osbourne, a salesman, attends Our Lady of Peace in Santa Clara and cares for his 92-year-old father.

Those offended by the auction are not without recourse. They can pony up money to the TPF "to aid its efforts in defense of the Holy Mother Church." Donations are tax-deductible!

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