Saturday, December 21, 2002

Lies Of The Moonie Times

The lying scumbags at Amerikkka's Paper are at it again. The vile Ellen Sorokin rewrites some wire copy with this lead:
People who live in Third World countries might have a better view of the United States if Americans followed Osama bin Laden's example of being "a good neighbor so people there have a different vision of us," said U.S. Sen. Patty Murray, Washington Democrat.
Of course, what Murray actually said, in a speech to high school students, was that providing economic aid to poor nations would "cost a lot of money," but "war is expensive, too. Your generation ought to be thinking about whether we should be better neighbors out in other countries so that they have a different vision of us. It is a debate I think we ought to have."

Nothing about following bin Laden's example, or about bin Laden being a "good neighbor."

Has there ever been a newspaper so corrupt and despicable?

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