Sunday, December 01, 2002

Frum Hell

"Did you know David Frum had a blog? It's as excellent as you'd expect (i.e. it's excellent)."

Yes, that's Little Mickey Kaus trolling for more hits, or clicks, or links or whatever.

Exactly how excellent is Frum's blog? As you'd actually expect, it sucks on ice.

The former Bush speechwriter, who got shitcanned when his idiot wife blabbed about how David, rather than Dubya, coined the ever-so-clever "Axis of Evil," has been reduced to insulting the intelligence of NRO readers. Typical of his insights is the following:

Frum quotes an article from a "left-wing sociologist" who says the Gores' new book, Joined at the Heart, is insufficiently critical of divorced parents. The sociologist writes that "[i]nstead of deploring the ubiquity of divorce and part-time parenthood, the Gores applaud the �explosion of new family forms and novel solutions to age-old problems.� ... So we meet Mitch and Cindy, Pat and Todd, Josh and John, and Minh and Thanh, people they�ve talked to, and whose households, we are told, suggest the different kinds of family life that lie ahead..... �To be sure, it would be inaccurate to say that the Gores are �pro-divorce.� No one is. ... [But] their general position is that marital break-ups deserve understanding rather than reproof or disapproval. ...."

From this review, Frum, who admits he hasn't read the book, concludes: "In 1992, Gore told us that if he ever became president, he would dismantle the American economy in the name of environmental regulation. Ten years later, he is ready to execute similar destruction on the American family." Frum states that Al Gore is "moving hard to the left ... on family and social policy."

Are you following the logic? Gore thinks that divorced parents deserve understanding, so he's ready to "execute ... destruction on the American family."


Just wait until Frum reads the chapter where we meet Bob and Liddy, Newt and Jackie and Marianne, and Ronnie and his Mommy.

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