Tuesday, July 15, 2014

How Could We Ever Know?

Our old pal Dyldo Biers gives away the game in his press release for "Clinton, Inc.":
Daniel Halper, the online editor at The Weekly Standard, spent more than a year working on a book about the Clintons that was set for release later this month.
Over the weekend, a man identifying himself as Robert Josef Wright sent out a blast email to media executives, editors and journalists (including yours truly) with PDFs of the entire 317-page book.
The leak, which Halper and his representatives have yet to comment on, apparently came as a shock to the publishers at Broadside, who told The Daily Beast's Lloyd Grove they have "no idea" what happened.
The book, as you might expect, is critical of the Clintons. Grove summarizes it here: ....
"All the Clintons are described as obsessed with enriching themselves, using their charitable foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative not only to perform good works but also to help support an imperial lifestyle and provide Hillary’s presidential ambitions with a vast political infrastructure," Grove observes.
Clinton's defenders will likely try to push Halper's book to the margins, placing it in the company of Ed Klein's "Blood Feud" as a book too preposterous to even warrant attention. They won't get that far -- per Grove, Halper is already slated for an appearance on "The O’Reilly Factor." But whether the book actually has any effect on Hillary's "narrative" in the run-up to 2016 will depend on whether or not there are any groundbreaking revelations. And simply painting the Clintons as "calculating" won't cut it.
Hmmmmm.... How could we possibly know whether -- or not -- there any groundbreaking revelations in the book? It's not like someone e-mailed us a .pdf copy of the entire book over the weekend. If someone had e-mailed us a .pdf copy of the entire book, and it had some groundbreaking revelations in it -- and we were actually a journalist -- we could write a news article about those revelations, rather than retyping Lloyd Grove's columny. It's a crying shame that we didn't receive a .pdf copy of the entire book over the weekend.  A low down, dirty crying shame.

Does PoliticHo pay its employees to be this stupid, or does it just count on its readers to be even stupider?

1 comment:

Montag said...

"Does PoliticHo pay its employees to be this stupid, or does it just count on its readers to be even stupider?"

Oh, both, without question.