Sunday, January 05, 2003

Frum Here To The Remainder Bin

The big bombshell at the Drudge Report is that Chucklehead Canuck David Frum has written a book about his days as a Bush speechwriter. It's called "What I Saw Was Deevolution."

Seriously, it appears the biggest bombshell is that Frum "describes Bush as 'tart.'" Fascinating.

But which definition?

1. Having a sharp pungent taste; sour.

2. Sharp or bitter in tone or meaning; cutting.

3. A pastry shell with shallow sides, no top crust, and any of various fillings.

4. A prostitute.

5. A woman considered to be sexually promiscuous.

Egg Boy also reports that top Administration officials (read Karl Rove) are "infuriated" with Frum's "controversial" book. There is no question that this book will be nauseatingly obsequious to the Boy King in every respect, unless Frum is thinking of a career change to dishwasher. But if Drudge's characterization of the White House reaction is true, Rove is the biggest control freak to blight the landscape since the Reverend Jim Jones.

(Link via Atrios.)

Update: Drudge also reports that Frum says Bush is "not nice." Other stunning revelations from Frum: Bush is "not a woman," has "white skin" and "probably isn't a midget."

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