Saturday, May 23, 2015

Sodom and Begorrah

Screamin' John Hawkins thinks they're stealing more than his Lucky Charms on the Emerald Isle.
From everything I’ve read going on in Ireland a lot of Irish politicians, those in a position of power were for same sex marriage. (sic) I doubt very highly this vote was as a result of Irish voters deciding out of the goodness of their hearts to be in favor of changing their constitution to allow same sex marriage.
I strongly assert an atmosphere of intimidation exists in Ireland to “get your mind right” on this issue if one wants to stay employed. People have lost their jobs in other countries in Europe for not supporting same sex marriage. That doesn’t sound like freedom of choice to me.
If you're looking for some confirmation of Hawkins' thesis, don't bother checking his blog, because he doesn't provide any. (No link to the gobshite.)

Apparently the 38 percent who voted "Nae" in today's election were on the dole, or independently wealthy, or self-employed, or just refused to drink the Shamrock Shake.  

Of course, since they have the secret ballot in Ireland, if the vote hadn't gone gay, everyone would have been out of a job on Monday.  Either that, or John Hawkins is just a twat.


  1. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Nae is Scottish. The Irish tend to say Noo.

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