Monday, April 27, 2015

Douche Diligence

Caught retelling lies about Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), Time magazine Blogger of the Year John "Asshole" Hinderaker pleads willful ignorance:
Obviously if I had known this guy was a liar I would not have given him the forum to tell a story.
Hinderaker is an attorney. And his defense -- seriously -- for repeating lies is that he didn't have any reason to think the lies weren't true.  As in, "some guy I don't called me up and told me something which I "verified" by Googling the guy's fake name and talking to him on the phone some more, so why wouldn't I believe him? And I didn't say he was telling the truth, because who reads my sorry ass for that shit?"

Time for another blogger ethics panel.


  1. "Hinderaker is an attorney."

    Yup, and Assrocket's almost as good a lawyer as he is a truth-telling blogger.

  2. Anonymous3:28 AM

    He works for the Cokhs. Home
    What do you expect?

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