Sunday, September 07, 2003

Rutten Through The Trash

Midget Mickey Kaus is touting the latest anti-Bustamante drivel from the Los Angeles Times' Tim Rutten. Kaus dubs Rutten's column as "excellent, calm [and] non-hysterical," even though it relies almost exclusively on the mistranslated slogan than Kaus was forced to correct. Folks like Brian Linse have long ago discredited this smear against Bustamante and misrepresentation of MEChA.

Rutten even outdoes Kaus and lowers himself into the InstaSewer by insinuating that Bustamante's views lend support to "the few Latino loonies who believe this stuff and use it to rationalize their anti-Anglo and, increasingly, anti-Semitic, rants."

You also might wish to learn the difference between "rational" and "rationale," Timmy. Otherwise you're just another bilingual illiterate.

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