Thursday, February 13, 2003

Pull The Other One

A number of John Lott's supporters are lining up to vouch for the fact that John Lott suffered a computer crash in 1997. While obviously trying to help Lott, these folks actually prove the point that 1997 isn't ancient history and memories don't fade as quickly (or selectively) as Lott claims his memory has. The fact of a computer crash doesn't prove a survey was done. Not one of the defenders who wrote to the Washington Post tells the paper that Lott lost a defensive gun use survey in the crash. As far as I know, Lott still hasn't provided the names of anyone who worked on his telephone survey or any documentation concerning the survey he supposedly reproduced late last year. You don't get a survey answer from student's telephone receiver to Lott's computer without a paper trail. And, as the story gets more and more press -- in the Washington Post, Salon, U.S. News & World Report and, of course, here at Roger Ailes -- why hasn't a single one of Lott's student-assistants come forward on his behalf?

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