Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Zafar Sobhan of the Logicat Files points us to this Sully post:

ISLAM MEANS PEACE: Oh, and a stun gun, a blank-firing imitation firearm and a CS gas canister, along with dozens of passports, identity cards and credit cards. That's what British cops found in a raid of a radical mosque in north London. If this isn't a fifth column, what is?
Sobhan makes the important point that Sullivan is equating Islam with terrorism and violence based on the materials found in one mosque. I'm sure Sully would never equate Christianity with its terrorist followers.

That said, Sully's (and the London Police's) list of contraband is somewhat underwhelming. A stun gun? "A blank-firing imitation firearm" -- is that a starter's pistol or a cap pistol? David Koresh had more firepower stashed in his underwear drawer; Nancy Reagan had more in her purse.

Passports and identity cards in a mosque attended by immigrants and refugees? Muslims with credit cards? Well, then, no need for a trial. Sounds like guilt by free association to me.

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