Monday, November 25, 2002

Meet The New Boss

From The Daily Dish:

KULTURKAMPF And then there's the indictment of America on the grounds already laid out by Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. We are a moral sewer. Sexual freedom, in particular, is anathema, as it is anathema to most political authoritarians. The way in which free human beings can explore their lives and identities in the private realm of sexual interaction is always threatening to tyrants. Orwell saw the attempt to kill love and sex as central to the totalitarian experiment. The Islamists are no exception. They make our religious scolds look like New Age therapists. What they would do to women who live sexual lives of their own choosing or gay men who do not live in fear or shame is obvious: we would be exterminated. Got that? That's why it's simply incredible to me that socially liberal Americans do not find this war to be of paramount concern. The theocratic right can at least agree with some of what bin Laden says. The following, for example, could easily have been said by Pat Robertson:

'America is the kingdom of extreme individualism, the kingdom of free sex. The country that represents Satan�s harvest is America. America doesn�t have anywhere to go now. [Homosexuals and] those who go after free sex [are] less than animals.'

If a domestic member of the Christian right had said this, the Left would be all over them. But when Islamists say it, we look the other way."


What's that you say?

That's not bin Laden?

What th -- ?

Well, who said it then?


Don't look the other way, Andy.

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