Monday, June 21, 2004

Everybody Hates Peggy

Via Wonkette and Newsmax, we learn that conservatives also think that Nooners is a self-promoting, egomaniacal hack. Some Reaganaut named Jack Wheeler says that the Pegster is "beneath contempt."

Peggy came late, arriving in Reagan's second term, and was quickly identified by the other speechwriters as being dedicated to self-promotion. While the others were self-effacing and avoided taking any credit for a speech of the president's, Peggy would never fail to call up every media contact she had to make sure any speechwriting of hers was fully publicized.

For all her self-promotion, the facts are that she never wrote many major presidential speeches and had quite limited access to the president. The Reagan speechwriters were the ultimate Reaganauts in the White House, and Peggy was an outsider....

Peggy wasn't a part of this and now, so many years later, she allows her resentment to trash her tribute to Chief Speechwriter Ben Elliott and disgracefully use President Reagan's funeral service to do so. Of course, Peggy wasn't sitting with the other speechwriters at the service. I was. Her name never came up. No one asked, "Where's Peggy?" Her cheap, inexcusable, and completely gratuitous insults of her fellow speechwriters -- describing one as a "malignant leprechaun," another as more concerned with getting a haircut than speechwriting, and yet another as an illiterate hack -- expose a small and petty side to her character that will permanently blemish the reputation she has worked so hard to achieve.

Here's the question she needs to ask herself: Do you think that President Reagan would think more or less of you for writing what you did, Peggy? You know the answer. He would be ashamed of you. The knowledge of that shame will stain your soul, Peggy. You owe your fellow speechwriters the deepest of apologies - just as you owe an apology to the memory of Ronald Reagan.
"Ronnie liked me better!"

Speechwriters fighting over the corpse of their mouthpiece. Makes fueds between academics -- bloggers, even! -- look reputable.

C'mon, Pegster, don't take this lying down!

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